Thursday, December 25, 2008


For all of you who do not ceilabrate Christmas, happy holidays!
Anyway this Christmas is probably one of the best I've EVER had. :)
It all started with waking up this morning and finding out that we are going on vacation tomorrow (YAY). This made it so much better because I could enjoy the snow today (and the magic of actually having a white Christmas in Oregon). And the magic kept going throughout the day. We ate pancakes, opened presents, played in the snow, and relaxed as a family. It was just really a great day.
I know Christmas isn't suposed to be about the presents, but I have to say this year my gift made my day 100 x better. This year my gift is I get to sponcer a child. :D I dont have all the details about her yet, but I do know she's a girl, and between 6 and 10. My mom paid the innitial donation (that was my gift) but I've requested that I pay the rest. :) I think it's SO great that I get to sponscer a child. :D :D :D
Anyway. Now that I've told you all about my day, I'm going to bed. :) I've got to wake up early tomorrow to go vacation!!! :D

Monday, December 22, 2008

Artic Blast

This has officially been the snowiest week I've ever seen... well in Oregon. It started last weekend, and it was still snowing today. :D There's a full foot and a half outside. I can't believe it! It's soooo soooo beautiful... but also sort of scary. Not always in the literal term, but defiantly scary.
First there's the whole dead tissue issue (Hehe. That rhymed). I have really bad circulation to my fingers and toes, and when it's cold they turn white. I never thought anything of it until I learned my toe thingy is caused by it, and I need to watch my toes carefully because I could be killing the tissue. So anyway, with all this snow and freezing temps, I can't be outside for very long without losing feeling in my toes and fingers. It's fun and scary at the same time.
And there's also this issue with our annual Christmas trip. Every year, the day after Christmas my mom, brothers, and I go on vacation. This is my FAVORITE vacation. Since there's no dads allowed, almost anything goes. It's so much fun because we get to make fires, read, watch tv, eat junk and stay up late. It's absolutely the best time. :D But because of the snow, we might not be able to go. :( :( :(
I'm trying not to worry about it all though. For now I'm trying to just enjoy my winter break.
:D And now I can enjoy it without one of my friends bugging me to update my blog. :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Most PERFECT weekend

This past week has been horrible! Full of self doubt, angry moms, and sore feet. But it feels like so much has changed in these recent weekend events. It seems almost like one of those wins that make all the practicing seem worth it. I know I sound sappy, but I’m absolutely loving this weekend. You see, this weekend marks the beginning of Christmas for me.
It all started with my aunt Jinny. She came to visit us. I wasn’t supposed to see her because I would be at the wrong house at the time, but I got to say here, and she’s staying some extra days too. I’ve gotten to spend time with her and It has been just SO great. She reminds me a lot of my mom. I’ve really enjoyed sitting around with her while we read.
Next came the tree. It’s 8 feet tall and smells wonderful. We got it yesterday in honor of Jinny staying. Once again I was supposed to be at the wrong house when we got it, and therefore wouldn’t be able to decorate it. But I made a deal with my brother so last night I got to stay here and decorate. The tree is just SO perfect. I spend so long last night just looking at it.
Finally, when I woke up this morning, it was snowing. The FIRST snow of the year. Everything is just amazingly magical. This weekend has been perfectly wonderful. It’s my first bit of Christmas celebration this year. I think all the magic in the air is helping us all. For me, my nightmares have stopped. I’ve had a nightmare every night for 15+ days, but I didn’t have one last night. This weekend is just about as good as it gets. The only thing that could make it better is possibly a 3-day weekend…

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3 eight-counts

Yesterday pretty much sucked.
Because I'm on dance team I had to get up really, really, really, early to be there at 7 for morning practice before school. It's harsh. Very harsh.
So anyway we were at morning practice and we were working on turns and across the floor stuff. Basic technical stuff, right? Here's the catch: I have Freiburg’s infraction. Don’t know what that is? Join the club.
I just found out I had it. We don’t know too much because I haven’t been to the toe doctor yet. But basically I can’t bend my toe back. You know what that means? It hurts sooooo badly turning that I end up not even getting a clean single. You know what that means? I suck.
So yeah. I spent the rest of the day feeling suck-ish. Oh and I got called a dog. And obviously I'm a girl. This totally could be taken as I'm a bitch. Which I probably am, but I still didn't want to hear it.
Anyway we had dance again from 6 - 9:15 that night and I was SO dreading it! I sucked so badly at morning practice, and I just didn't want to feel like I sucked again. To my surprise, dance was SO great. Instead of doing turns which I just can't do, we learned part of our state routine. :) It was just a simple combination. 3 eight-counts at the most. But I love it. I don’t know why but I hate just doing turns, but when they’re inserted into a pattern, and they fit with the music, the actions just because so much more fun. Dance becomes fun. That night I went to bed so happy. I may suck at dance for now, but I'll keep trying until I don’t anymore.
Oh yeah. And I got my left split yesterday. That was pretty much amazing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Easter Bunny

I have another poem to add.
This one is less serious and a little more funny.
I think it sounds better out loud though.

Twas the night before Easter and the kids were asleep
With hopes of baskets full of peeps
And the bunny bringing these sickly treats—
Munching and loving the treats he keeps
… Or is it she?

And the morning will come
And the kids will scream and the chickens will cheep
And the family will torture these little peeps

They’ll stick ‘em with tooth picks and set ‘em on paper
Put them in the microwave and watch ‘em get bigger!

Until … POP!!!
The yellow one’s down and the pink wins!

What has our world come to?
Now Easter’s known as the day of the peeps
I wonder if the bunny sees what’s going on with the treat she brings
While munching on the ones she keeps

Secrets Sonnet

It's not very good.
And everyone that will read this has already read this.
But my friend wants me to put up some of my poems, so here's one of my sonnets.

Secrets build up inside me,
I just want to let them out,
But if I do, I’ll pay a fee,
No one knows what this is about.

It seems like some people can hypnotize
Other to think we should be judging, deceiving, and lying,
Why can’t everyone realize,
That instead we should be caring, helping and trying.

People are harsh, and people are mean,
Life is this big incredible maze,
We can’t be fat, we must be lean,
But can’t everyone see we come in all different ways?

This is seriously hurting my mental health,
That’s why I keep my secret to myself.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I know I've posted a lot today, but I still have more to say.
I'm not religious.
And I dont believe in hell.
But.... what if there IS a hell?
What if that's where I'm headed?

I dont always think I'm a good person.
Okay that wasn't said right.
Aurgh I don't know what I mean.
At times I just feel so synical and pessismistic and mean.
I laugh at others pain.
I say things about people behind their backs.
I dont symathize with people.
So what if I'm not a good person?
... or just human?